Thursday, 21 October 2010

Monday, 11 October 2010

Lubanga trial back on

News from the ICC on Friday that the trial of Thomas Lubanga can begin again.

The appeals judges were pretty clear that the prosecutor had overstepped the mark by refusing to obey judicial orders and identify an intermediary working with prosecutors in Ituri. But they were also clear that the trial judges had overreacted someowhat by staying the trial, saying a judicial reprimand to the prosecutor would have been more appropriate. So, the trial is back on.

This is a piece I did for the Times last week on the Lubanga case and its problems.

Poor pygmies

A sad story about a community of pygmies I met recently outside Goma in North Kivu.

They live outside the refugee camp and have all the problems of other IDPs - multiplied by about one million.

Displacement and discrimination – the lot of the Bambuti Pygmies

No justice for DRC victims

See the link below for my analysis published by IRIN on the justice options following the publication of the UN mapping report. I tried to be even handed and look at all the options but the overwhelming sense I got was nothing at all is going to be done.

Analysis: Justice still remote for victims of atrocities