Wednesday, 25 August 2010

More pics

A few more from my trip to North Kivu


Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Goma prison

I interviewed men convicted of rape for a piece on an increase in rapes by civilian perpetrators.



My visit to a school in Kiwanja in North Kivu province


People versus Park

Some pics from Virunga National Park where the local population has come into conflict with those trying to protect the park.


DRC pygmies

I met a group of pygmies living outside the Mugunga 3 IDP camp in Goma. With no education, money, healthcare and terrible discrimination, their lives are pretty desperate.

From DRC pygmies

Bye Bye Beatrice

You'll see from the Guardian story below that journalist Joshua Rozenburg isn't Luis Moreno-Ocampo's biggest fan. He criticises the prosecutor for some ill advised comments on the Bashir case. For all you ICC watchers, there's an update on the fate of Moreno-Ocampo's right hand woman Beatrice Le Fraper du Hellen - and its bad news for Beatrice.

Read about it here

International justice denied?

As reported earlier the trial of Thomas Lubanga at the ICC has been stopped for the second time. Judges gave the prosecutors a slating, suggesting misconduct charges were pending, and said the DRC militia leader couldn't get a fair trial. Prosecutors say the judges overreacted and have appealed. Lubanga remains in jail in the meantime.

IRIN Africa | DRC: International justice denied? | Great Lakes | DRC | Children Governance Human Rights Conflict | Feature

Humans versus animals in a conflict zone

I had a great visit to Virunga National Park to see the baby mountain gorillas rescued and rehomed in a new enclosure in the park. But protecting the animals is really controversial in North Kivu where people want access to the land for farming, fire wood and hunting. The park is doing its best to win over hearts and minds.

IRIN Africa | DRC: Humans versus animals in a conflict zone | Great Lakes | DRC | Environment Food Security Conflict Refugees/IDPs | News Item

Where schools have flapping plastic walls

Here's my story on the state of the education system in North Kivu - pretty bad! The school I visited in Kiwanja didn't have walls so when it rains hard, the children shelter in a toilet built by an international donor. Students have to pay to attend school, only around $5 per month which may not sound much but is a fortune to most families in the east.

IRIN Africa | DRC: Where schools have flapping plastic walls